Approve review components

After saving the review, the Approver must choose whether or not to approve some, all, or none of the review components. You can also choose to approve components referenced by the topics in review. Regardless of whether components are approved, the user resolving the review can enter a comment on the Review Approval screen. Later, you can search for these approval comments to find a review.

Tips and tricks

Only the user assigned to the Approver role can complete the fields on the Review Approval screen.

  • If you are the review coordinator but not the Approver, you won't see the Review Approval screen.
  • If you are the Approver but not the review coordinator, when the review is ready to be reviewed, you will receive a notification with a link to open and approve the review.

To approve components in a review:

  1. Click Reviews.
  2. To open a review, on the Reviews Management tab, in the list of reviews, select a review.
  3. Right-click the row, and then select Open review.
    Note: You can also access this option by clicking the Options menu and selecting Open review
  4. On the Review Approval screen:

    1. To mark all components in the review as Approved, in Do you want to approve components after completing this review, select Yes.

      Inspire lets users mark a component as Approved to identify that it is in a state of completion, such as being ready for publishing or translation.

      • Marking a component as approved may lock it so that no unreviewed or unauthorized changes are made.
      • An administrator can control if a system lock is placed on the component after a user approves it.
      • If necessary, you can limit the number of users or roles who can approve a component.
      • You can identify an approved component by the green check (if no signature is required) or the green signature icon (if a signature is required).
      • If the LockForApprove feature is turned on, the components will have a green system lock after you approve them.
        • An administrator can control if a system lock is placed on the component after a user approves it. By default, this optional feature is set to false, and a lock is not placed on a component after approval. For more information, Admins can read Control if a lock is set after approval.
    2. To comment on why you did or did not approve the components, in Provide an optional comment, enter your text using 3000 characters or less.
    3. If you want to open the Select Referenced Components screen to see a list of components referenced by the files in the review, select the Approved reference components option.
  5. Click Save.


    • If you did not select the Approved reference components option, the review closes and is moved to a State of Completed.
      • If you chose to approve the components in the review, they are now flagged as Approved with the green check (if no signature is required) or the green signature icon (if a signature is required).
    • If you did not select the Approved reference components option, the review closes and Select Referenced Components screen opens. Follow the steps in Approve referenced review components.