When you're working on a document in the Oxygen-based editor, you can provide extra information about an element in the Attributes pane. After you add an attribute, you can go back and change the value specified in the attribute or delete the attribute.
In the editor pane, put your cursor inside the element where you want to add or edit an attribute.
To edit the attribute, click inside any attribute value box to change the value.
For example: to delete the attribute id shown here:
a. Click in the box under id showing the value: title_fbe04d86-a452-88b1-2eddd...
b. To delete the id, click
the delete icon.
To add an attribute, do any of the following:
In Attribute, select the name of the attribute you want to define. For example, you can select Align.
In Value, select an option or enter text to define the attribute. For example, if you choose Align, you can select a value of center.
Click Add.
To save your changes to the document, in the toolbar click
Save and Submit .