Get started with projects

You can use a project to collect components, participants, and assignments that you need to meet a specific goal.

When you create a project, Inspire assigns you as the project owner. You can use a project to create a project team and to assign components to team members for various tasks.

You must have permission to the Projects Module to work with projects.

  • By default, only users with the following permissions can create project workflows and assignments:
    • Administrator permissions
    • Access to the Project Module with the Create permission
  • Even if you don't have these permissions, you can be granted a special permission to create workflows and project assignments after a project is created.
  • By default, files in a project that are being reviewed or translated are locked with a system lock. However, administrators can customize Inspire to allow for the following behavior:
    • If a user is an administrator or has been added to the can_unlock_system module property, they can unlock a component with a red system lock after it's been included in a review.
    • The component being reviewed or translated is unlocked and remains in the review or translation job.
    • Any changes made before the component is unlocked are lost.
    • Users can then edit the content while it's in a review or being translated, and this may cause issues when the review or translation is completed.
    • Administrators can update the Content Browser module property can_unlock_system to change this behavior. Follow the steps in Control who can unlock system locks.

Examples of projects

The following examples are ideas for projects.

Documentation set
This project includes all of the content associated with the complete documentation set for a specific product. The participants include the entire writing and editing team. Assignment activities include writing, editing, reviewing, and publishing.

Annual legal review
This project includes content that requires annual legal review, such as trademark references and safety notices. The participants include one or two writers and the legal team. Assignment activities include reviewing and editing.

Revision changes
This project includes content that has changed since the last revision of a document. The participants include one or two writers, editors, and subject matter experts. Assignment activities include writing, editing, and reviewing.

New feature
This project includes content associated with a new feature. The participants include a writer, an editor, and several subject matter experts. Assignment activities include writing, editing, and reviewing.

Quick access
This project includes content that is frequently or infrequently accessed. The project owner is the only participant. There are no assignment activities associated with this project.