Create a map component

You can create a DITA map to define the topics in a publication, specify the topic sequence, and control linking between topics.

  1. In the Folders pane, navigate to the folder where you want the map file to exist.
  2. In the Folders pane, right-click the folder and then select Create Component.
    You can access the same menu by clicking Action_Menu the Options menu.
  3. On the Create Component dialog, in Available Templates, select Map.
  4. In New Component Name, enter a file name for the component in 100 characters or less.
    You can easily change the component name after creating a component.
  5. In Language, select the language that the content is written in.
    When you open this component to edit it, Inspire loads the spelling dictionary for the language you choose. For example, if you choose a Language of French, when you're editing this component and turn on spell check, English words spelled correctly will be underlined in red as a warning of a misspelling. French words spelled correctly won't be underlined in red.
  6. On the Create Component dialog, click Create.
    After the dialog closes, you're returned to the Components pane and you'll see the new map topic in the folder you selected.